Semantic Image Segmentation with U-Net

In a second phase of my Neural Style Transfer model, I have applied semantic image segmentation to exclude person figures from the style transfer. In this post, I will be going over the U-Net architecture and the project pipeline used to achieve this.
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Neural Style Transfer

Most of the supervised deep learning algorithms optimize a cost function to get a set of parameter values (weights). With Neural Style Transfer, we optimize a cost function to get pixel values of a generated image. This algorithm is, therefore, considered an unsupervised deep learning due to absence of a labeled target.
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Jetson Nano for Education

I have been using Nvidia Jetson Nano developer kit for over 3 weeks now and strongly believe that this well-priced developer kit should be leveraged for Data Science education. Here is my review of the product ...
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Regression Model Selection - Statistics to the Rescue

When it comes to Regression model selection the two main questions that arise are, first, which model fits the data the best, and second, which features within that model could be trimmed off because of no added value. This post tries to use statistics to answer the questions.
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